J Equity Partners adopts both a sector-neutral and geography-neutral approach to its investment activities, enabling it to pursue opportunities that offer ‘best fit’ across various economic sectors and markets.

J Equity Partners places added emphasis on medium-sized enterprises and transactions globally, with a special focus on the regional market. This stems from the Firm’s belief in the great value and growth potential inherent therein as the engine of growth, the source of innovation and creativity, the means for job creation and a catalyst for economic change.

Geographically, the Firm places added emphasis on the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region in light of its growing economies, availability of promising business opportunities at attractive valuations, untapped market niches, as well as the Firm’s own expertise and investor appetite. The Firm has also been actively exploring, structuring and managing rewarding investment opportunities outside the MENA region, giving its investors access to selected efficient markets, such as the United Kingdom, continental Europe and the United States.

Below are current industries of interest to J Equity Partners, based on prevailing market gaps, future prospects and investor preferences. J Equity Partners ‘industries-of-interest’ change with shifts in market dynamics, as the Firm strives to remain relevant and current in its business focus and investment offering.

Healthcare & Wellness

Investment in healthcare and wellness is expected to grow manifold driven by a growing population, a lag in public sector alternatives, and an increased desire amongst affluent segments of society for higher quality of living. Numerous private initiatives have sprung up in recent years paving the way for a greater private sector role.

Education & Training

Young populations in most developing countries, coupled with a competitive job market and an increased demand for skilled workforce are driving private investment towards the education and training sector. Education and training represent a top priority for authorities worldwide, and regulations continue to evolve to attract private sector participation.


The logistics sector is riding on the on-going project and infrastructure investment globally, as well as the unprecedented growth in e-commerce. The region’s historical importance as a passageway between East and West is framed by government-backed initiatives in several countries in the areas of infrastructure and logistics.

Food & Beverage

Food security tops the agendas of nations worldwide on the backdrop of population growth and scarcity of resources. Subsidies, concessions, and co-investment have become commonplace practices as regional governments attempt to encourage private investment along the full length of the sector’s value chain.


With growth in international interest in the region and the resultant surge in traffic, as well as a concerted effort by regional governments to diversify sources of income, there has been an increase in the flow of investment into the hospitality sector to cater to growing demand.

Real Estate

Real estate remains one of the most popular asset classes that allure investors given its ability to provide recurring cash flow and appreciation potential while still maintaining intrinsic value. The Firm follows a private equity approach to real estate investing, which couples a much sought after asset class with the upside potential of operational elements.

Information Communication Technology

The Information Communication Technology (ICT) sector is one of the most dynamic economic drivers of the modern world. ICT enabled initiatives are in great demand, due to their potential impact to increase productivity and profitability of businesses, thus propelling private investment towards the sector.

Business Focus